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  • Multigenerational family playing with a dollhouse

    FAQs About Trusts

    Here are questions about trusts that we hear frequently, and our answers.

  • Investing 101: How to Invest

    Getting started on investing? Our investing guide teaches you how to invest and what the basics are in investing. Learn more.

  • Quarters stacked and calculator

    Should Your Investment Program Be a Trust?

    A good number of business or professional people, active or retired, count on us to maintain and enhance their hard-won financial independence. Is it time for you to consider a living trust?

  • Couple meets with a financial advisor
    WesBanco Wellness: Ready, Set, Retire!

    Role of the Trusted Advisor

    The trust advisor stands in the unique position of being a central clearing house for his or her clients. The advisor knows the client’s current financial position, the client’s business, the client’s family dynamics and has helped plan the future for the client.

  • Grandmother with grandchild wearing party hats

    Seven Myths About Trusts

    Trusts are, for many people, simply quite mysterious. Here are seven common misconceptions that people have about trusts.

  • Couple handshake

    Five Ways To Use Trusts

    Trusts can be used for many purposes and with proper planning can be a great tool.

  • Smiling gentlemen shake hands over coffee.

    Benefits of a Co-pilot in Portfolio Management

    It’s true that an investment adviser is going to charge a fee for services rendered. That seems to be a reasonable expectation. But why wouldn’t you be inclined to hire a professional in this case, as you would in the other examples above?

  • Young couple with two children on their laps reviews documents

    Finding Trustworthy Investment Advice

    Has recent market volatility got you worried about your current investment strategies? Before changing directions on your own, it’s a good time to look at getting professional assistance with your investments. Professionals are experienced in analyzing the significance of economic and market events and their portfolio management implications.

  • Young businesswoman with glasses and light smile ponders decisions.

    What Kind of Investor Are You?

    An active investor is one who seeks to outperform the market, to invest in winners while avoiding losers, and who responds to market dynamics with portfolio repositioning from time to time. The passive investor, on the other hand, is satisfied to just get market returns.

  • Gentleman with folded hands over a portfolio of documents receives guidance from other gentleman at his side.


    In the search for trustworthy advice, consumers may sometimes look to credentials and designations for clues to an advisor’s expertise.

  • Female office worker holds her head with eyes closed due to stress.

    Information Overload

    Over the years, employers have taken many steps to improve 401(k) plans, to make them more attractive to participants and to encourage higher participation rates. One of those steps was to increase the number of investment choices available, so that each participant would be more likely to find an investment alternative exactly to his or her taste.

  • Gentleman holds small red wooden umbrella over row of wooden blocks. The one directly under the umbrella is also painted red.

    Learning to Live With Risk

    The truth is, all investing involves risk. But risk shouldn’t keep anyone from investing. Successful investors learn how to manage their risk by finding a comfortable balance between the risks that they are willing to take and the rewards commensurate with those risks.

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