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NOTICE: Internet Explorer was retired by Microsoft on June 15th, 2022 and is no longer supported. This could change how you access Online Banking.

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During scheduled system maintenance from Saturday, March 22 at 7:00 PM to Monday, March 24 at 1:00 PM, our Bill Pay service will be unavailable.

Businesswoman on phone


How Can We Help? Contact us today.

We’ve always maintained our community bank orientation – because we’ve never forgotten whose money we’re holding.

Interpreting Services: Free language interpretation services are available. You can request an interpreter either in person or over the phone with any banking center, or during phone conversations with customer service.

Customer Service:



WesBanco Bank, Inc.
One Bank Plaza
Wheeling, West Virginia 26003

Tools and Services

WesBanco offers multiple tools and services to make your banking experience easy and convenient. Use our self-help tools and services links below.

Telephone Banking:


In-Person Banking

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Treasury Management Support:



Questions & Answers

How to:

Digital Banking Demos

Routing Number:


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Schedule an Appointment

Connect with a WesBanco team member at your local branch to discuss your financial goals, open an account or start an application. Our expert bankers can help find the right accounts and lending products for you, your family or your business.

Schedule an Appointment
Schedule an appointment with Wesbanco